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Social Determinants of Health

The organization recognizes an opportunity for increasing integration of health across all domains, including social determinants of health. Within the second strategic priority area of excellence in quality and outcomes, Bert Nash outlines a commitment to strengthening the health and wellbeing of the Douglas County community through provision of integrated healthcare that addresses the intersecting impacts of trauma.

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For the purposes of this strategic plan, five broad categories of social determinants of health are defined that impact how we measure successful outcomes of persons served. These categories are likely to expand and develop over time, as we reflect on incorporating new challenges that may present barriers to services. These five categories of social determinants of health include:


  • Economic Stability (income related to discharge, job opportunities, training resources, affordable housing) 


  • Education (language and literacy skills, availability, access, expense)


  • Health/Health Care (food and nutrition availability, affordable childcare, discrimination, pollution/environmental health)  


  • Neighborhood and Environment (housing, transportation, violence, community activities)  


  • Social and Community Context (ethnic and racial makeup, cultural resources and activities, access to outdoor recreation)

© 2023 by the Bert Nash Center.

Designed by Ashley McCaskill Creative

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